
The official blog for Ann Douglas, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Ann is the creator of The Mother of All Books series and the author of Parenting Through the Storm. Her most recent parenting book, Happy Parents, Happy Kids, was published by HarperCollins Canada in February 2019. Her most recent book — Navigating The Messy Middle: A Fiercely Honest and Wildly Encouraging Guide for Midlife Women — has just been published in Canada and will be published in the US on March 28, 2023, and in the UK on May 8, 2023).

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

January 13, 2022

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:

The last thing I feel like doing this evening is sitting in front of my computer, writing this email, but as much as I’d like to simply relax and enjoy my evening, I can’t. I keep thinking about how many of our fellow Canadians are struggling—really struggling—right now, as a result of the ongoing stress and strain posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. And I keep thinking of all the people in low-income countries who are dying because they lack access to life-saving vaccines.

It’s pretty clear to me that we as Canadians need to be doing everything in our power to reduce the likelihood of future variants upending our lives once again—not just for our own sakes, but for the sake of everyone.

Scientists have made it crystal clear that the only path out of this pandemic is to vaccinate the entire world. I cannot understand why Canada, a country that prides itself on being a good global citizen, has not yet ratified the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS waiver, which would allow member states to temporarily waive intellectual property rights related to urgently needed COVID-19 vaccines. As Doctors Without Borders has noted, “This measure has been continually blocked, opposed or simply delayed by many of the same wealthy countries who have already secured the vaccine doses they need — including Canada.”

Canada needs to do better. So much better. It needs to demonstrate the moral leadership needed in this moment by supporting the TRIPS waiver. I urge you and your government to demonstrate that leadership.


Ann Douglas


Book Review


When did feminism become a brand, a hashtag, or a campaign slogan?

When did feminism become “something that we can buy or sell, a self-identity or a lifestyle rather than a political orientation through which to organize against the status quo?”

These are the kinds of hard-hitting questions journalist and activist Nora Loreto tackles in her latest book, Take Back the Fight—a book that dares to imagine what a truly liberatory feminist movement might look like and that isn’t afraid to point out where mainstream feminism falls short.

“I was driven to write Take Back the Fight by the desire to understand how feminism ended up here: a word that can be used by politicians and corporations alike who feel little shame about contorting or obscuring feminism to be something that either scores political points or attracts buyers,” Loreto explains in the introduction to her book.

She then goes on to explain the limits of mainstream feminism—the fact that it hasn’t merely fallen short: it has actually caused harm to the women whose life experiences it erases.

“Mainstream feminism in Canada and the United States is white feminism,” she writes. “It’s feminism that seeks to break the glass ceiling but then quickly patches up the hole for the next person to have to break (while leaving the shards on the ground for everyone else).” It’s the kind of feminism “that supports more maternity leave but doesn’t insist that it’s paid.”

In other words, mainstream feminism is feminism for a very select few. “[Mainstream feminism] imagines that the average women is middle aged, white, and middle class, and then sets out to fight for a better world for that woman in particular. When it ignores the diversity and range of womanhood, it also ignores the complex and various ways in which patriarchy, colonialism and racism cause harm to women and will continue to cause harm to women until we force things to change.”

This is a book that will make some women really uncomfortable—and that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay. That kind of discomfort is long overdue and it’s a critical first step to actually making things better: to ditching faux feminism in favour of the real deal—the kind of feminism that actually has a hope of challenging the status quo.

“Only a confrontational, radical, and intersectional feminism will have the strength necessary to force the powerful to heed feminist demands,” Loreto explains.

And if feminism isn’t committed to an actual shift in power—well, frankly, what’s the point?

I say, “Bring it on.”

As you can probably tell, I loved this book. I’m looking forward to sharing Take Back The Fight with pretty much every woman I know. If you decide to read it (and I hope you will), I’d love to get together (virtually) to compare notes. Let me know if you’d like to do that. I’m planning to host a virtual discussion about the book in the New Year.

Author Interview

What follows is the text of a conversation that I had with Nora Loreto via email this past week.

ANN DOUGLAS: I’m always fascinated by what makes an author want to write a book on a particular topic at a particular moment. Could you talk about the thinking and/or events that made you want to write this book right now? Also: I was impressed by how much you were able to take into account the impact of the pandemic and other noteworthy events in 2020, including the mass murders in Nova Scotia in April. I’m assuming you made a lot of changes during the editing process. You must have been adding new content until the very last minute, when the book headed off to press! How much last-minute rewriting and rethinking was required?

NORA LORETO: The book was sparked by a Twitter thread! I was reading about the news of the First Annual Canadian Women’s March in January 2018 and I was so annoyed that feminists had decided to mark the anniversary of an American rally rather than commemorate something more local. At the time, we were one week away from the one-year anniversary of the shooting at the Centre culturel islamique de Québec and I was so sad to see that there was more focus on Donald Trump than there was on the gendered impact of far right hatred and gun violence in Canada.

After having written my rant about all this, an editor asked if I would be interested in turning the thread into a book. I had no intention to write so in-depthly about feminism but I had been trying to figure out how to break into mainstream publishing for more than a year, so I said yes, absolutely. That relationship ultimately didn’t work, and after some false starts with two publishers, I landed with Fernwood, and I’m very happy that I did!

The editing process was wild. My first draft, which I thought was pretty good, was torn apart. Two reviewers expressed concerns with how I had written parts, and so I had to go back and really think through how I, as a white woman, could write about an issue that is so plagued by white saviourism in a way that would not reinforce white feminism. I re-wrote big sections and made important changes to structure, right up until February 2020. The book that is out looks pretty similar to that final, February draft. And then, the pandemic hit! I wasn’t satisfied with being silent on the pandemic — I knew that it would transform the world and therefore struggle — so I added what I could: updates about the racialized and gendered impact of COVID-19 in healthcare, how people had experienced isolation and loneliness as a result of lockdown, etc. I also thought it was critical to add the voices of feminists in Nova Scotia who were screaming from the rooftops for police and journalists to understand the NS gunman’s rampage through a gendered lens. I wanted the book to have a long shelf life and it felt important to capture that horrifying moment.

There were also an incredible number of typos! When you’re trying to get the politics as right as possible, and when your final days editing are done with two six-year-olds at home full time, you miss a lot of typos, and even add some. I did manage to root out “asexual assault” in time though.

ANN DOUGLAS: Your book has moved me to want to do what I can to help support the birth of an unapologetically radical and intersectional feminist movement here in Canada. I’m thinking of taking a two-pronged approach: (1) supporting the work of groups that are already actively engaged in advocating for the most oppressed women in Canada; and (2) getting women I know excited about supporting this work, too—which might mean hosting a “teach in” where my friends and I could work through some of the ideas in your book and identify local opportunities for action. Do you have any words of wisdom to offer—either words of encouragement or cautionary words? (My goal is to make things better, not worse.)

NORA LORETO: I think that as white women, we need to see our role as supportive - doing a lot of the grunt work to help organize and also ensuring that we create opportunities for education among other white feminists. There is an incredible appetite for this right now and teach-ins, book clubs, private DM groups, group chats -- they’re all very important to give feminists a space to learn and grow. Everyone who has the energy and resources to coordinate something like this absolutely should!

We have to actively resist white supremacy in these spaces. This isn’t easy, as white supremacy is everywhere -- and especially will be present if a group is majority white, talking about feminism. Using texts and analyses rooted in Black or Indigenous feminisms to form our understanding of struggle is critical, as is understanding that leftwing activism in North America is radical and effective literally because of centuries of organizing by Black and Indigenous activists, especially feminists.

When it comes to whatever the spark is to organize something, white women need to provide support and encouragement, and avoid taking leadership roles, especially if in the early stages there are no accountability measures to determine how a leader is chosen. And, to never assume that you’re the first person to think of something. But as you say -- there are organizations that are already doing wonderful work. So be in touch with them and ask: how can I help? What can I do? If your skill is writing, are there factsheets that they need updated? If your skill is graphic design, offer to do some design! If you aren’t sure if you have skills they need, ask! There are organizations who are always in search of help.

ANN DOUGLAS: Do you have any thoughts about where a reinvigorated feminist social movement could find its funding? Obviously, there are perils to being too reliant on government (the fickleness of the funding cycle; the very real possibility of having your agenda watered down by people in power). Do you think it might be possible to create a coalition of socially progressive organizations with the resources and commitment to support feminist movement building? Or is this a movement that needs to be funded through the donations of individual women? Or do you think we need some sort of hybrid model?

NORA LORETO: I think that the only way forward for a radical feminist *thing* (network, coalition, roundtable, organization etc.) is for it to be independent of government funding. I do think it would be possible to undertake something that was funded through a combination of union and personal donations, especially if anchored by a group that had more or less stable funding. Funding is one of those issues that may be more obvious once an initial meeting were to be called and once you see who is around the (proverbial) table with what resources.

ANN DOUGLAS: So, looking forward, would you say that you’re hopeful and optimistic about the possibilities for making change (because so many people are rethinking so many things right now) or are your expectations a little more muted (because so many people in power are also spending a lot of time thinking about what they can do to maintain a grip on the status quo or even accelerate the neoliberal agenda)? Or does it vary from moment to moment (depending on what has shown up in the news cycle on a particular day)?

NORA LORETO: Overall, I'm very hopeful. The last thirty years of neoliberalism society has stretched and stretched and stretched and I think that the pandemic will finally cause it to snap back. Organizing during the Harper years was so difficult -- it seemed like nothing we did could change his mind. Then, we got Justin Trudeau, who became PM in a very different time than Harper's first year (2006 versus 2015), and still, all the Real Change we were offered never materialized. The pandemic has been so hard, and it will get even harder for the next four months, but we can see the way out of it, and that gives me a lot of hope.

But beyond hope, what makes me optimistic is that there is an incredible mass awakening among people to radical politics. The pandemic is a time of massive change. When we emerge from this, people will have energy to put these politics to use, I'm sure of it. That excites me, but is also a reminder that we need to develop clear, radical demands now to do what we can to fight against what is perhaps more likely (but not inevitable) which will be a brutal right-wing backlash to pandemic spending. People will be eager for action so those of us with organizing experience will have to help new activists on the path of organizing and building to make sure that everyone's energy is put to effective use!

How to Avoid Being Psychologically Destroyed by Your Newsfeed


This past week has been brutal, in terms of what has been coming across my newsfeed. And 2016 wasn't exactly a picnic either. So lately I've been thinking a lot about the mental health impact of a steady avalanche of Really Bad News. Many of us (myself included) deal with mental health challenges on a daily basis and being fed a steady diet of devastating world events only serves to make that harder. So I've decided to share a few strategies I'm using to avoid being completely crushed by my newsfeed right now. (I'm writing this post as much for myself as for anyone else. But I'm also hoping that this post will be helpful to some other sensitive soul who is having an extra tough time right now.)

Here's my best advice....

Recognize that there's a difference between being immersed and being informed

Sure, you want to be aware of what's happening in the world, but that doesn't mean that you have to be plugged into your Twitter or Facebook feed 24/7. Give yourself permission to take breaks. And aim for a balanced media diet. Don't just focus on the really bad news. Gravitate toward the good, too.

Stick to your usual routines as much as possible

We humans are creatures of habit and we find comfort in the familiar. And make sure that you're giving your body what it needs to function at its best: healthy food, regular physical activity, time for fun, and adequate sleep. (I don't know about you, but I find that sleep is the glue that holds everything else together. I've learned to recognize it for what it is: a necessity, not a luxury.) 

Look for opportunities to take action

It doesn't have to be something huge. Frankly, it will feel a whole lot less overwhelming if it's not. But by carrying through on sort of positive action, however small (writing a letter, making a donation, attending a face-to-face get-together in your town), you'll be engaging the rational-logical part of your brain. And that will help to put the brakes on what can otherwise quickly escalate into paralyzing feelings of anxiety and sadness. Feeling powerless fuels anxiety; taking action brings it down. 

Allow yourself to feel all the feelings

Allow painful emotions to flow through you as opposed to avoiding them (which suppresses positive as well as negative emotions, leaving you feeling emotionally "flat") or dwelling on them (which ties up cognitive resources, leaving you less equipped to solve problems or connect with other people). Remind yourself that feelings come and feelings go -- and you are not your feelings. 

Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.
— Noam Chomsky

Maintain your sense of optimism

Focus on what you can control as opposed to fixating on what you can't. You'll find it easier to make this mental mindshift if you make a conscious effort to boost your level of positive emotion by doing things you enjoy and spending time with people you love. Positive emotions leave the door open to possibility while negative emotions slam the door shut. You want to keep the door open right now.

Reach out -- don't crumble inward

Connect with other caring citizens who share your concern about what's happening in our country and our world. Talk to other people you know who may be going through an especially difficult time right now -- especially members of vulnerable or marginalized communities. Let them know that you will be there to support them and that you care. Smile at strangers. (Assume their good intentions unless proven otherwise.) Look for opportunities to build bridges, not walls. Finally, reach out for other types of support if you feel like you're really struggling. Self-care isn't selfish; it's self-preservation. You need to take extra good care of yourself right now.

Talk to your children

Address their fears and spark their compassion. Do everything in your power to nurture their caring and to encourage them to dream of a better world. Then support those brave dreamers. They offer the best path forward for our deeply troubled world.