Ann will be hosting a Facebook Live conversation on the Life with a Baby Facebook Page. She will be talking about parenting during this very challenging time. IMPORTANT: You don't have to be a parent of a baby to join in the conversation. We're expecting parents with kids of all ages.
Here's what we'll be talking about (from the official description for the event).
"Parenting doesn’t happen in a bubble. As parents, we can’t help but be affected by what’s happening in the wider world. Is it any wonder then that so many of us are feeling anxious and overwhelmed right now? In this thought-provoking conversation, parenting author Ann Douglas will acknowledge the challenges that we are facing in this moment and suggest strategies and solutions for weathering this particular storm. Her takeaway message is clear, powerful, and potentially life changing: you can tame the anxiety, embrace the joy, and thrive alongside your kids during this challenging time. Expect a conversation that is kind, encouraging, and real and that leaves you feeling anything but alone. 💗
Ann Douglas is the weekend parenting columnist for CBC Radio and the author of a number of bestselling books about parenting, including THE MOTHER OF ALL PREGNANCY BOOKS. Her most recent books are HAPPY PARENTS, HAPPY KIDS and PARENTING THROUGH THE STORM."