Strength in the Storm: Coping strategies for parents who have a child (or and for professionals who are supporting families with children) who are struggling with a mental, neurodevelopmental, or behavioral challenge. Topics to be discussed include self-care, self-compassion, creating your own support network, and lifestyle matters (nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management, and making time for fun). This workshop is based on interviews with more than 50 parents who have walked this walk and who are eager to share their best advice with other parents. These interviews form the basis for Ann Douglas' most recent book, Parenting Through the Storm.
This workshop is being hosted by Bartimaeus Family Services, an organization that seeks to provide "high quality, competency-based support services to children, adolescents, adults who require special care, and seniors throughout [its] service areas."
Cost: $25 + HST. Please call 416-243-3330 or e-mail to register.